East Wight Primary - audience at first meeting

East Wight Primary: Progressive tactical voting initiative adapts after Lib Dem drop-out

East Wight Primary held their first meeting at YMCA Shanklin last night.  The original plan had been for participants to question the Green and Lib Dem candidates, and then vote on who out of these three candidates would be the best tactical choice. 

The withdrawal of the Lib Dems at four days notice required a last minute rethink to the plan.

Inspired by the South Devon Primary
The East Wight Primary was inspired by the South Devon Primary, who will declare their Peoples’ Champion on Saturday. 

Green and Lib Dem candidates are taking part, and Labour remains on the voting ballot.

Garnett: First meeting was a resounding success
Co-founder Charity Garnett said,

“The problem we need to solve still exists: most of us do not want to send a Conservative to Westminster from East Wight. 

“Our first meeting last night, despite the change of plan at very short notice, was a resounding success. 

“Our original plan was characterised these words, choose (the best candidate),  unite (behind him/her in their campaign),  win (our tactical choice goes to Westminster).

“Our new plan is now Unite (build momentum), choose, win!

“The choose element (voting  on the best tactical choice) will take place a few weeks before the election. There was real enthusiasm in the room for spreading the message on how we do this.”

Limits on tickets removed
We are no longer limiting tickets for the meetings to those on the electoral roll, as there is no voting component, so people from West Wight and those under 18 or not on the electoral roll for any reason are very welcome to attend.

Book your free ticket
For tickets please book through through the website which will take you to Eventbrite.

  • 13th March 7-9pm Ventnor (sold out)
  • 16th March 4-6pm Ryde
  • 18th March 7-9pm The Bay
  • 20th March 7-9pm Wroxall
  • 23rd March 2-4pm Ryde (young people focus)

By uniting, the primary hopes to avoid vote splitting and send a progressive MP to Westminster to represent residents in East Wight.

Visit the East Wight Primary website for more information.

News shared by Mobes on behalf of East Wight Primary. Ed

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