Diversion sign :

Emergency road closure in Newport expected to cause delays

Southern Vectis have issued a warning of possible traffic delays due to an emergency road closure in Newport. In their own words. Ed

Newport High Street will be closed until 12 noon today (Wednesday 6th November) due to emergency roadworks in connection with a power cable.

Bus diversions
Routes 6, 7, 12 and 38 will be diverted as follows:

The diversion for route 6 towards Newport will be Cedar Hill, left into Carisbrooke High Street, right into Priory Road, Gunville Road, Forest Road, St Mary’s Roundabout, Hunnyhill and St James Street and the bus station. Out of Newport it will be diverted via Trafalgar Road and will not serve Drill hall Road bus stop.

The diversion for route 7 towards Newport is Forest Road,St Mary’s Roundabout, Hunnyhill and St James Street and the bus station. Out of Newport it will be diverted via Trafalgar Road and will not serve Drill hall Road bus stop

The diversion for route 12 towards Newport is Clatterford Road, Priory Road, Gunville Road, Forest Road, St Mary’s Roundabout, Hunnyhill and St James Street and the bus station. Out of Newport it will be diverted via Trafalgar Road and will not serve Drill hall Road bus stop

The diversion for route 38 towards Newport is Taylor Road, right into Gunville Road, Forest Road,St Mary’s Roundabout, Hunnyhill and St James Street and the bus station. Out of Newport it will be diverted via Trafalgar Road and will not serve Drill hall Road bus stop

Whitepit Lane closed
Due to the closure of Whitepit due to roadworks we are unable to divert vehicles along this route.

We are genuinely sorry for the inconvenience caused but unfortunately have no control over this closure. We will keep you updated as work progresses and it is hoped that the road will be open by lunchtime.

Due the extreme length of the diversions in place we do anticipate delays and are in the middle of getting extra staff in to assist.

Image: daquellamanera under CC BY 2.0

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