The head of Serious Organised Crime says county lines operators vary their illegal activities to avoid law enforcement and seek new ways of exploiting vulnerable people in different areas of the country to run drugs for them
The pre-planned exercise, at Jersey Camp, near Newtown, saw the huge aircraft demonstrate its heavy-lift capabilities by "under slinging" a high-volume pump (HVP) used by the fire service in major flood situations
Isle of Wight Police are keen to reassure the public the latest development in court this week would not stop its work to tackle anti-social behaviour and ensure the hotel is secure
Donna Jones says Operation Soteria Bluestone is an opportunity for Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary to bring about real and sustainable change to the way these traumatic offences are investigated
Building on similar initiatives developed by the fire service and police, the campaign features simple safety messages in the form of circular 'pictogram' stickers with an overarching message: 'It's not worth the risk'