Graben from top with big crack in road

Excavation at Ventnor’s geological fault crucial for pipe repair, says council

Isle of Wight council say that deep excavation work is needed at the graben in order for Southern Water to repair pipe work that is at risk of failure, and avoid an emergency closure during the tourist season.

What’s the graben?
As explained previously by News OnTheWight, the graben structure on Newport Road, Ventnor is a geological fault that is opening up along the crest of the Ventnor landslide. It is regularly inspected and works are carried out when necessary.

Attention from residents to the graben and the visibly growing dips and cracks has been heightened since the major Bonchurch Landslide in December 2023. Residents having to use Newport Road to enter and exit the town have experienced the tailbacks and increased traffic.

Impact of closures
In the last few years, the road and footway across the graben has been reconstructed and had several smaller repairs carried out.

However, the council and Island Roads are aware that closing the road for major works would have an impact on not only those living in Lowtherville (Upper Ventnor), but also those who will then be required to use the only other suitable alternative route in and out of the town, Whitwell Road: Affecting drivers and residents on the route.

Avoiding an emergency closure
The council say that Southern Water currently have apparatus in the road, but that excavation works are being delayed “until the Environment Agency coastal defence works are complete or at a point where another closure in Ventnor can be managed effectively to minimise the inevitable disruption to residents”.

Proposed June dates
They add that some proposed dates in June for the works, which have been put forward by Southern Water, are currently being considered to avoid a potential emergency closure during the summer holiday period with very short notice to residents and visitors.

It’s worth remembering that all works carried out at the Graben will generally be temporary due to the nature of the geology.