Collage of free Julian Assange art

Exhibition of Free Expression at Monkton Arts dedicated to the Freedom of Julian Assange

A new exhibition at Monkton Arts in Ryde showcases the amount of creativity that goes into the campaign to Free Julian Assange.

As well as grassroot supporters, the campaign includes numerous celebrities such as Vivienne Westwood, Lowkey and Roger Waters.

The exhibition, which includes books and film, art and artists, and creativity and activism runs from 7th to 18th November 2022.

We are millions Assange book with stars

Collective effort
Isle of Wight artist, Anna Fauzy-Ackroyd, who compiled the exhibition, explains,

“This collective effort is reflected, for example, in the number of # hashtags for global actions to raise awareness to Julian’s plight, such as #Yellowribbons4Assange, #Candles4Assange #aChair4Assange and #Pumpkins4Assange and in the We Are Millions massive photo campaign.

“This will be highlighted in the exhibition which will also include books and information about the films that have shown on the Isle of Wight which include Ithaka, that was recently shown at Ventnor Arts Club to a full house, and XY Chelsea.”

Where and when
The exhibition takes place at Monkton Arts, Ryde, between 7th and 18th November 2022.

Open Monday-Friday 10.30am to 4pm.

Free Julian Assange on the flower of life

You can find more information about Julian Assange related events on the Isle of Wight by visiting the dedicated social media page.