Facebook Group To Stop MPs Hiding Their Expenses

Facebook Group To Act To Stop MPs Hiding Their ExpensesYou might have seen our piece yesterday about a vote coming up in the House of Commons that could hide expenses run up by MPs from the public.

We highlighted how you can write to your MP about it. It really is simple.

Today (the last day you can make your views known before the vote) we want to let you know that, for the Facebook generation, there’s a Facebook group running where you can join to show your support for the cause too, just with a click.

Both is ideal
Ideally you will write to your MP _and_ join the Facebook group – because your MP will actually find out about how you feel about it – but if you can’t manage both of those, the Facebook group is a reasonable second place.

It’s gaining significant momentum, with sign ups overnight growing from around 4,500 to over 7,000 and it’s rising by the minute (We’ve just seen it gain 50 members in the last two minutes).

Join the “I object to MPs concealing their expenses” Facebook group