comic book art

Fantastic creative opportunity for 19-24 year old NEETS

Thanks to Jessica for bringing this opportunity to the attention of OnTheWight readers. Ed

Isle of Wight charity, Independent Arts, are working on an exciting project as part of the Pathway to Traineeships initiative for NEETS (young people not in employment, education or training).

They’ve put together a timetable of creative learning sessions, practical workshops, and guest speakers in order to give an insight to the range of careers available in the arts sector.

What to expect
The practical workshops include comic book illustration and spoken word (delivered by Adam Gaterell Arts), photography, graphic design, music production, and digital media.

The week rounds off with a public event enabling the participants to display their works/contribution to the project.

Traineeship opportunity
Independent Arts are also offering one participant a traineeship opportunity after completion of one of our Accessing Creative Traineeships (ACT) weeks.

There are still have spaces available for 19-24 year olds that are not currently in education or employment, and the week is offered at no cost to participants as it is funded by the Skills Funding Agency via the Isle of Wight Council’s Adult Community Learning.

ACT I: 27th April – 1st May
ACT II 22nd June – 26th June

Find out more about Accessing Creative Traineeships by visiting the Independent Arts Website.

Image: bjornmeansbearunder CC BY 2.0