Find out how to have your say on the future of water services

Southern Water meeting:

This in from Southern Water, in their own words. Ed

The world has changed a lot over the past 25 years, so what will things be like in a quarter of a century’s time? Will we have seen further change in weather patterns? Will you be able to use your smart phone to track how much water and energy you are using in your home?

These and other questions have been addressed in a newly published vision of the future from Southern Water, which communities across Kent, Sussex, Hampshire, and the Isle of Wight are being asked to comment on.

25 year Strategic Statement
Simon Oates, Southern Water’s Director of Strategy and Regulation, explained: “Our approach to developing our 25 year Strategic Statement has been all about taking our customers’ priorities for the future on board. We want our plan to deliver the results the communities we serve want to see from our services in the years ahead.

“Our strategy is based on more than six months of research and discussions with thousands of people across the South East about what they want us to deliver. In it, we paint a picture of how the future could be shaped by a range of challenges, such as population growth, and detail the ‘outcomes’, or results, which our customers want to see made a reality over the next two and a half decades. In the final part of the document, we set out our strategy for delivering on those priority issues for customers.”

Read our vision and tell us what you think
Mr Oates continued: “We want as many people as possible from across the region we serve to read our vision for the coming quarter of a century and tell us what they think, so we can take their feedback into account in the final version of the document.

“To support that process, we are giving you the chance to win an Apple iPad, in return for providing your views. All you have to do to have your name entered into our prize draw is visit our dedicated engagement website, read our draft Strategic Statement, and have your say on it.”

Printed copies
Copies of Southern Water’s Strategic Statement can also be requested by writing to Joel Hufford, Public Relations Manager, Southern House, Yeoman Road, Worthing, BN13 3NX. Feedback can also be sent to the same address.

A series of road shows will be taking place at major shopping centres and other venues across the Southern Water service area during April to help promote Southern Water’s work to plan for the future, and encourage people to have their say.

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