
Find out how your company can get involved in sustainable transport initiatives

The council share details of this upcoming event. Ed

Congestion and air quality are just two of the issues associated with commuting and business travel.

Join the Isle of Wight Travel Network at its January free business breakfast and find out how your business can be part of the solution.

Taking place on Tuesday 15 January between 8am and 9.30am at the Quay Arts Centre, Newport, the free breakfast is a chance for local businesses to access support and advice on sustainable transport initiatives and travel planning.

Richter: Corporate social responsibility and employee wellbeing
Kayleigh Richter from the Isle of Wight Travel Network said,

“From electric cars to electric bike loans, car clubs and so much more, sustainable transport can contribute to reducing your operating costs and making your employees more productive.

“By getting involved, it demonstrates corporate social responsibility and a commitment to employee wellbeing.”

Sustainable transport interventions
The business breakfast is part of a wider programme of sustainable transport interventions being delivered by the Isle of Wight Council and its partners over the next two years, using £1.35 million of funding secured competitively from the Department for Transport.

To find out more, please visit the Isle of Wight Travel Network Website and chose the employer option.

Image: © visitisleofwight