Older driver:

Fire Service to offer service to help older drivers

The council share this latest news. Ed

A major long-term initiative is being launched on the Isle of Wight this month to enhance the skills of the many Island drivers aged over 60.

The Older Drivers’ Appraisal Scheme – to be run by the Island’s fire and rescue service – will provide an informal and confidential appraisal to help older drivers with their driving ability and how to best deal with a wide range of traffic situations.

Launched 16th May
The scheme will be launched at the Riverside Centre, Newport on Tuesday 16 May, between 2pm and 5pm – and anyone interested in finding out more is invited to attend.

Community safety delivery manager, Tracey Webb, said:

“This is a vitally important new scheme to contribute to road safety, and I would strongly encourage as many older drivers as possible to get involved.

“Many of our older motorists have been driving for a long time and have a wealth of experience and skills they have developed over the years. But as we get older, we are also all very much aware in ourselves that our driving awareness and reaction times can decline and our skills aren’t perhaps what they once were. This scheme is designed to help us with our driving as we get older and improve upon the skills we already have.”

Drivers over 70 on the rise
Figures show that at January 2016 there were just over 4.5 million people in the UK holding a driving licence aged 70 and above – and this is expected to double in the next 20 years.

Drivers aged 70 are no more likely to be the cause of a crash than any other drivers – but it is recognised that once over 70, we may be more likely to be at fault, particularly where right-of-way violations are involved. We may also start to suffer from age related frailty and our mental and physical abilities may reduce.

Driving is the most dangerous activity that most people take part in, and a slight increase in awareness or improvement in skills is all it takes to make our driving even safer.

Experienced drivers generally have fewer accidents than young drivers, but as people grow older gradual changes take place which mean their ability to deal safely with some situations diminishes.

Helping people stay safe
The aim of the scheme is to help people stay safe on the road for as long as possible. The appraisal takes place from the person’s home, using their own car, and will be delivered by specially selected and trained Driving Standards Agency-approved driving instructors, with a good understanding of experienced drivers.

It is not a test so there is no pass or fail element. The assessor looks at the way the driver deals with various traffic situations on roads that he or she normally drives on and makes recommendations to help ensure ongoing safety. The appraisal lasts around 70 minutes and costs £40.

Find out more
To find out more about the scheme, you can either attend the launch event, or contact the Isle of Wight Fire and Rescue Community Safety Team on (01983) 823399, email: [email protected]

Tracey Webb added:

“This is an excellent initiative and I’m sure our older drivers will be pleased to lead the way when it comes to building on their skills and setting the standard for our future generations of motorists.”

Image: Tyler under CC BY 2.0