Paul Jerram, the Isle of Wight NHS Head of Medicines Management, who was caught out in a Daily Telegraph expose in July 2015 has now been dismissed by the Island’s Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG).
The manager, who oversaw drug purchases for the CCG, was suspended on full pay after the newspaper’s report claimed the video raised “questions about the impartiality of public sector staff who control budgets worth millions of pounds”.
Mr Jerram ran a company that charged thousands of pounds to organise ‘advisory board’ meetings around the world for drug companies.
Investigations have been ongoing for five months culminating in a disciplinary hearing the 30th December 2015.
Actions “not compatible with … the CCG”
In the subdued words of the Isle of Wight CCG:
“A disciplinary hearing was conducted on 30 December 2015, which found Mr Jerram has acted in a way not compatible with continued employment with the CCG.
Mr Jerram was dismissed from his position as Head of Medicines Management at the CCG with immediate effect on December 30, 2015.”
NHS tight-lipped
Back in July he claimed that he, “acted in the best interests of the NHS”.
OnTheWight carried out further investigations on this case just prior to Christmas. The IW NHS stayed tight-lipped about most of the detail.
This is not the end of the matter for Mr Jerram, the investigation undertaken by NHS Protect is ongoing.
What is the CCG?
The Isle of Wight CCG is made up of 17 member GP practices on the Island and primarily commissions secondary care, community, mental health, continuing healthcare and ambulance services on behalf of the residents of the IOW, with an annual funding allocation of c£200m.