To the strains of Glenn Miller and Vera Lynn a large crowd enjoyed the sunshine at the Flying Forties weekend at Sandown Airport.
The well received event, presented jointly by WAM (Wight Aviation Museum) and Vectis 40s Vintage, included vintage and military vehicles, 1940s displays, with costumed ‘re-enactors’ and of course live music with soloists and groups singing the nostalgic tunes of the wartime forties.

Helen Blake, chair person of WAM enthused,
“It was a great co-operation between WAM and Vectis 40s Vintage. A lot of hard work from the WAM Team and all the forties vintage participants resulted in a fabulous weekend out in the sun for nearly a thousand visitors over the weekend.”

Keep an eye on the WAM Website and the Sandown Airport Website for information about other events throughout the summer.

Pay a visit
As usual the museum will be open to all visitors on Saturdays, Sundays, Mondays and Tuesdays from 10:00 to 15:00 each day.

Find out more
For more information email “WAM Opening” to or phone or text to 07949 704052 or visit the Wight Aviation Museum Website.

News shared by Brian on behalf of Wight Aviation Museum. Ed