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Food outlets encouraged to create Carnival specials

Tony shares this news from the Ventnor Carnival. Ed

Ventnor Carnival are asking local food outlets to get in the carnival spirit by creating Carnival dishes.

The Committee will offer a cup during Carnival Week – the second week in August – to the most imaginative or tastiest dish.

A celebration of great food
Secretary of Ventnor Carnival, Shania Steele, said,

“Ventnor is rapidly becoming the Island’s food capital and the Carnival wants to play its part in celebrating what Ventnor has to offer.

“We hope to persuade all the restaurants and food outlets in Ventnor to join in this celebration of the great food available in Ventnor.”

Ideas so far include the butcher, Norris and Knight’s idea for a Carnival sausage and Crave with a Carnival ice-cream.

Find out more
If you would like to enter or would like more information, please contact Teresa Preston at [email protected] or call 07443569577.

Image: © Crave Ice Cream

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