weston academy
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Former Isle of Wight school site set for sale, enabling new housing development

A former Isle of Wight school site could be sold this week, paving the way for 16 ‘much-needed’ new homes.

Deputy council leader Councillor Ian Stephens may decide to approve the final terms of the sale of the former Weston Academy site on Totland’s Weston Road to real estate firm Strategic Green Land (SGL).

16 housing units
SGL’s pitch is to deliver 16 housing units, ‘four of which will be affordable’, according to a report signed by Councillor Stephens.

Once built, the company proposes to give the affordable homes to a ‘registered social landlord’.

SGL’s plans also include retaining and refurbishing the ‘original stone schoolhouse’ and delivering ‘lower priced housing, ideal as starter homes’.

Weston Primary School closed in 2008 due to a restructuring of the council’s education estate.

The school was later turned into an academy which also closed.

Site declared surplus and marketed for sale
County Hall’s report says,

“The site was therefore declared surplus and marketed for sale. A preferred bidder, Strategic Green Land, was approved by cabinet in March 2024 subject to final terms being approved and since that time the council has been in negotiations with the purchaser to purchase the site.

“Contracts for the sale are ready to be signed therefore this report seeks approval to those final terms agreed.

“In 2021, the council was awarded £195,265 of Brownfield Land Release Fund (BLRF) Self and Custom Build (S&CB) grant to fund site infrastructure and preparation costs on this site to enable the delivery of housing.

“SGL’s intention remains to develop the site in accordance with these grant conditions so that they may benefit from the grant.”

Due diligence’ has been carried out
The paper adds ‘due diligence’ has been carried out ‘to ensure that SGL is able to deliver its proposal’.

It also states SGL’s bid was the ‘highest financial offer received’.

The final terms of the sale are confidential under the Local Government Act 1972 due to them relating to the ‘financial and business affairs of any particular person’, including ‘the authority holding that information’.

This article is from the BBC’s LDRS (Local Democracy Reporter Service) scheme, which News OnTheWight is taking part in. Some alterations and additions may have been made by OnTheWight. Ed