Frank James: Friends meet the agents

Thanks to Tanja for this report from Saturday’s clear-up at the former Frank James Hospital. Ed

Saturday 10 November saw an excellent Work Day at the former former Frank James Hospital. Not only was much work done, Norman White (architectural advisor) and Peter Madden (representative for the owners) came to visit the site.

Aided by Louise Aitkin’s delicious home made pasties and flapjacks, a good discussion was held between the 16 volunteers who were there and the said gentlemen.

Tour of the grounds and building
We also took them around the building, where they could see for themselves the state that it is in.

Whilst the overall structure is sound, the outside desperately needs weather proofing and general upkeep: Certain windows are wide open, the boarding is dubious and bricks are coming down from several directions.

Lee Byrne from the Council’s Conservation Department had done a survey on the Friday and confirmed this.

Discussing a way forward
The main problem is that there is very little money available – both from the Council’s as well as the developers’ side. However, there have now been several meetings and there will be another one this coming week where all parties will get together and discuss a way forward.

Overall planning permission has been granted, the main question left is that of density (how many units) and funding.

Lets hope that a way forward is found so that Frank James can soon be put back to its former glory!

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Image: © With thanks from Josh Aitken

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