glass artists- dimbola

Freshwater Glass Artists exhibit their work at Dimbola

The Gallery at Julia’s Tea Room is delighted to host work from Freshwater Glass Artists.

Freshwater Glass Artists is a group exhibition of those who attend the weekly mosaic workshops of Catherine Van Giap.

The exhibition aims to show the various styles and subject matter which can be interpreted in the medium of mosaic. While some have been attending for a number of years, others have been attending for just a few months.

Develop their own styles
Once they have learned how to use the tools and equipment involved they are encouraged to develop their own individual style over various projects on a subject which interests them.

Catherine has been mosaicing for around 12 years and is a recognised mosaic artist, completing many commissions and sells her work internationally.

Where and when
The exhibition at Dimbola Museum and Galleries, Terrace Lane, Freshwater runs until 10th March 2017.

The Museum and Tea Room are open 10am – 4pm (closed Mondays).