Godshill Festival 2006

Godshill Festival Ticket 1968According to mytentoryours.org back in August 1968 the Godshill Festival in Hayles Field attracted about 10,000 people. The legendary John Peel was the compere and 14 bands played, including T-Rex and The Pretty Things (founded by Dick Taylor who played at last Sat’s Ventnor Festival).

After a little more delving, and thanks to Vaguely Sunny Promotions, it appears that the festival wasn’t actually in Godshill afterall, so I’m not sure that this weekend’s festival will beat those numbers.

There again, the lineup looks pretty tempting, so you never know. Delta T (who were shortlisted for the Bestival Bands competition) are playing and so are Drew. There’ll be stalls to spend your hard earned cash at, and apparently beer tents all day … not to mention all the live music, and a bumper bbq. All sounds perfect and the weather forecast is excellent! Think I’ll be hunting out our tent for the event.

Thanks to Ad on the forum for reminding me about this, meant to stick it up last week

If anyone has any more info on lineup, cost, times etc, please let me know … have searched online but drawn a blank.