Goodleaf Tree Climbing Ticket Competition

As we mentioned yesterday, those lovely people over at Goodleaf Tree Climbing have given VB a pair of tickets for free climbing at their new Goodleaf Tree in Appley Park in Ryde.

Goodleaf Tree Climbing CompetitionGiven that the winner would be climbing a very grand oak tree in Appley Park, we’d like you to send in your best photograph of an oak tree on the Island.

The shots will be judged by outstanding Island photographer, Julian Winslow and the prize will entitle two people to a free climb on Sunday 12th July sometime between 11am and 4pm.

The competition closes at 5pm Tuesday 7th July and the winner will be announced on VB by 4pm on Friday 10th July.

This gives you a week to get out there and nail that killer shot of your favourite oak tree.

Terms and conditions
One entry per person
Entries for the competition need to be emailed to ventnorblog(at)
Put ‘Goodleaf Tree Climbing Competition’ in the subject line
Provide full name and contact details
Images should be sent in jpeg format and sized at 800 pixels wide
The judge’s decision is final.

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