Vix Lowthion with Green Party Supporters

Green candidate, Vix Lowthion, launches Isle of Wight East campaign at Ryde

News shared by Vix on behalf of Isle of Wight Green Party. Ed

The Green Party candidate for Isle of Wight East, Vix Lowthion, formally launched her campaign this weekend with a gathering of some supporters and a speech at Western Gardens in Ryde.

Vix, 47, an Island school teacher, is the Green Party national spokesperson for education and a parent of three teenage boys. She addressed the group by highlighting the very strong level of Green support on the Island during General Elections: the third highest Green vote in the country, behind only Brighton Pavilion and Bristol West in 2019.

Lowthion: Major change is needed
She said,

“Isle of Wight East needs an MP who can work hard to be a voice for Islanders when it comes to ensuring that we have clean beaches, social housing, a publicly run NHS and protection for the environment.

“We know that major change is needed and both of the main parties have run out of ideas. As your Green MP for IW East I would push the government to think bigger and do better for the Island. We know that a Green MP is very possible this time!”

Baroness Jenny Jones visit
On Sunday 9th June Green Party Baroness Jenny Jones will be visiting Ryde to support Vix’s campaign. Vix encourages Islanders to gather at Appley beach from 12.15pm to give a message to government to Stop the Sewage and bring the water companies into public ownership. All are welcome to gather to support this campaign.

Further information and ways to contact Vix can be found on the website.