Wightlink ferry - General waste and green waste being collected in same bag - and outside of bins

Have ferry company been caught out greenwashing? Not so, they say

Wightlink’s green credentials have been questioned, after a passenger discovered that the contents of bins for recyclables are mixed in with landfill waste.

However, the Isle of Wight ferry company say all rubbish collected in the bins is separated at the depot.

Photos shared on Twitter
Island resident Paul Wilson was on a journey on the St Claire and noticed both the recycling and general rubbish ended up in the same bin bag.

He tweeted the ferry company on Friday last week with photos of the inside of the bins that claim to be collecting recyclables, tagging Wightlink and saying, “I think you might want to check your green credentials. You’ve bins that on the surface sort the rubbish, but [in]side just goes into the same bag. I’ve counted 5 of them thus far.”

He finishes by saying, “Let see if they ignore this tweet”, which judging by the lack of Wightlink’s reply, they did.

So News OnTheWight asked the ferry company about it.

Wightlink: We’ve changed our systems
A spokesperson for Wightlink told us,

“We’ve changed our systems. Recycling and general waste is collected in the same bag and separated on arrival at the depot at Suez, our waste contractor. 

“We will be updating the information on the bins.”

Raises more questions
News OnTheWight has asked why the system was changed and why two separate bags are still being used on Victoria of Wight – as witnessed by our team last weekend.

We’ll update when we hear back from the ferry company.

Image: © Paul Wilson