L-R Cllr Love, Bob Seely, Cllr Jones-Evans, Cllr Paler, Cllr Palin and Cllr Hendry and others Columbine Building

Have your say on how £5.8m levelling up money is spent

The luck of East Cowes’s regeneration could be changing as more details are unveiled about the town’s potential future.

The Isle of Wight Council has been successful in securing £5.8 million to ‘level up’ the town as part of a government scheme.

Regeneration of East Cowes
The regeneration of East Cowes has been on the cards for nearly 15 years with a range of schemes proposed — few built, though.

A ‘masterplan’ was approved in 2007, setting out a vision for the future to deliver houses, retail and employment opportunities as well as a 200-berth marina, but the development soon stalled due to the recession.

Red Funnel also has planning permission to redevelop its land, building a new terminal building, up to 100 residential properties and the potential for a 60-bed hotel but, apart from demolition, has yet to start.

Venture Quays
Hong Kong developers also put forward plans to majorly transform the Venture Quays waterfront area and entrance to the Esplanade but withdrew its support in 2018.

Since then East Cowes Town Council produced a neighbourhood plan in which 81 per cent of respondents did not think there was a need for more housing in the town.

They also supported the retention of the Classic Boat Museum to increase tourism.

How to spend the cash
Now, the public is being invited to share their thoughts on how the cash will be spent as the latest ideas are put forward.

Two scenarios are proposed by Savills in a ‘masterplan scoping study’ for the Isle of Wight Council, both allowing for a mix of new homes, including affordable properties and a 50 to 60-bed care home.

Hub for marine-based jobs
The first puts employment, incorporating a hub for marine-based jobs and innovation space in the northern part of the town and proposes visitor facilities around Trinity Wharf and Phoenix Yard, with a mix of employment and hotel space and more food and drink areas.

Training space and hostel accommodation
The second scenario adds training space and hostel accommodation in the northern area with the employment around Trinity Wharf and Phoenix Yard but with some flexibility still to allow for a hotel.

Other public realm improvements for the town and Esplanade are proposed, with the disused toilet block demolished and a new entrance to the Red Funnel marshalling yard.

Two events are taking place at the Columbine Building tomorrow (Friday) and Saturday, 10th and 11th December, between 10am and 4pm, for residents to find out more.

To view the plans and fill in the online consultation you can visit the Website.

This article is from the BBC’s LDRS (Local Democracy Reporter Service) scheme, which News OnTheWight is taking part in. Some alterations and additions may have been made by OnTheWight. Ed

Image: L-R Cllr Love, Bob Seely, Cllr Jones-Evans, Cllr Paler, Cllr Palin and Cllr Hendry at the Columbine Building

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