South Wight Neighbourhoods Policing Team (NPT) has launched another Policing Priorities Survey for the Sandown, Shanklin, Lake and Ventnor areas.
In November 2021, a similar survey was conducted in order to enable the team to better understand the issues directly impacting residents, and where the public wanted to see local resources prioritised.
Focus on reducing Anti-Social Behaviour
Based on the responses received, South Wight NPT have been focusing on reducing Anti-Social Behaviour whilst targeting violent offences and drug and alcohol related harm.
Operation Spider was created to achieve this aim, which has already seen success in steadily reducing ASB in the area.
Sharland: Just the beginning of a longer road
Sgt Ben Sharland said,
“We acknowledge that this is just the beginning of a longer road and we are committed to continuing the work to sustain this reduction and continue to tackle these issues in the Bay.
“Statistics and figures are only a small part of the picture and it is really important for us to hear your voices, feedback and concerns, so we are releasing a Policing Priorities Survey for 2023 which will remain open until 12th March 2023.
“If you live or work in Sandown, Shanklin, Lake and Ventnor then please take the time to have your say on local policing. Thank you for your continued support.”
To access the survey, visit the Website.
You can also scan the QR Code

News shared by Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary, in their own words. Ed
Image: westmidlandspolice under CC BY 2.0