Donkeys Frankie & Eiffion

Help the Isle of Wight Donkey Sanctuary clinch top family attraction award

The Isle of Wight Donkey Sanctuary is asking everyone to get behind their campaign to be awarded first prize in the Best Family Attraction category in the regional stage of the 2024 Muddy Stiletto Awards.

After clinching the top spot in the regionals in 2023, the sanctuary hopes to triumph again, but can only do so with the support of their visitors and supporters.

Susan McCall Chief Executive of the Isle of Wight Donkey Sanctuary says;

“We provide a home for over 100 donkeys and Shetland ponies. As a registered charity, our team works tirelessly throughout the year, offering refuge, exceptional care and new beginnings for our animals.

“We extend this ethos of care to our visitors, striving to create a warm and inviting atmosphere that everyone can enjoy. With free entry and parking, shop and award-winning cafe on our picturesque site, a visit to the Isle of Wight Donkey Sanctuary is a family friendly, memorable day out.

“We face formidable competition this year, but as the sole Island attraction in the Family Attraction category, we’d love to bring the award home for the Island and of course our donkeys, ponies and mules.”

Cast your vote
To vote for the Isle of Wight Donkey Sanctuary go to: Muddy Stilettos Awards 2024 | Muddy Stilettos.

The voting closing date is 1pm on Thursday 18th April.

News shared by Abigail on behalf of Isle of Wight Donkey Sanctuary. Ed