Students being presented trophy at Mock Trials event

High praise for Isle of Wight students taking part in Mock Trials

On Saturday 10th December, the annual Island Inter Schools Mock Trials competition took place in the Courts in Newport.

Started in 2012 by Nick Hayward, when he was High Sheriff, and sponsored by Rouse Ltd, the competition is designed to enable Island students to gain experience of how court proceedings work and a better understanding of the law.

It also boosts their confidence and ability to perform in public.

Time and expertise given freely
Every year (with the exception of Covid) a team of experts including His Honour Judge Tim Mosley KC and retired Judge Tim Milligan and Tim O’Flynn, along with Rob Packham retired Deputy Chief Director of the National Crime Squad, John Trotter retired Senior Partner of London Solicitors Bracewells and Kerry Maylin Principle Crown Advocate CPS Wessex  give up their time and expertise freely to enable Island schools to have an opportunity to experience the law in action.

Over the year Nick Hayward, Tim O’Flynn and Rob Packham visit all the schools that wish to participate, to instruct them in the process.

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Students at the Mock Trials event

How it works
Then on Saturday 5th November the schools come to the Courts to watch a demonstration of what they need to do to take part in the competition.

This year nine schools entered and after a very close trial there was only one or two points separating the teams. Christ the King just pipped the top position followed with Cowes Enterprise College second and The IW College third.

High praised for students taking part
Every school that participated was highly praised by all the professionals, who were so impressed with the standard on the Island.

Students being presented trophy at Mock Trials event

“An amazing event and fantastic experience”
More importantly each team and school felt it was hugely beneficial to all the students. As summed up by one teacher’s feedback,

“What an amazing event and fantastic experience for all our students.

“It was so worthwhile, and I’m not sure I’ve ever run a trip that has inspired so many and built confidence in all.”

The Rouse Trophy was presented by the current High Sheriff Mrs Kay Marriott.

News shared by Nick, in his own words. Ed