Find out what Tim Coates thinks of Self-Service systems at his presentation on Tuesday 15th February 6-8pm Quay Arts
We’ve dug out a whole load of videos showing various Self-Service library systems, as it’s something that the Isle of Wight council are keen on.
It’s their intention that East Cowes, Bembridge and Shanklin, “should be equipped from the outset with Self-Service terminals.”
How will they work?
If you’re like us, you’ll have no idea what using a Self-Service terminal would be like, so to give you some idea of what the future of book borrowing on the Island might be like, we gathered these videos together.
The technology used is RFID, or Radio Frequency IDentification in full (background). They’re low-cost chips that will sit in each book and can be automatically read without the book having to be opened.
David Wilson Library: Self-Service
Self Service Borrowing at nus central library
Check yourself out at the Library
smartServe Liteâ„¢ self service kiosk
This one lets you check out DVDs too
Library RFID: Using the SelfCheckâ„¢ R-Series with Integrated Disc Media Unlocker
SelfCheck ICE Renew
Once the books have been received back into the library, here’s automatic library sorting using RFID