Older people taking part in SingAbout session

Independent Arts SingAbout cash boost

Tracy shares this latest news on behalf of Independent Arts. Ed

Independent Arts (IA) secure three years’ funding for SingAbout an island-wide project providing regular weekly singing clubs for older people living with a range of conditions including dementia and social isolation.

The £117,900 grant from The Henry Smith Charity will go towards three years’ running costs of the SingAbout project.

IA were praised by the charity who commented:

“We were particularly impressed with how well run the organisation is and how staff have the right skills and experience in supporting your client groups. We also thought your organisation has strong robust positive outcomes and the quality of your work is excellent and all artistic projects are embedded with therapeutic methods.”

What is SingAbout?
SingAbout was developed in 2010 to focus on the needs of our increasingly elderly population and in particular issues around social isolation, dementia and loneliness.

Now, over 500 elderly people attend sessions every week, participating in social singing groups that not only allow friendships to flourish but also can improve mental, physical and cognitive health.

Valuable therapy
A report by the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Arts, Health and Wellbeing found that music therapy reduces agitation and the need for medical medication in 67% of people living with dementia.

“I’m not so lonely, I go out more, have some lovely friends that I didn’t have before. This helps boost my mood and my depression is much better.”

JA, 69 years of age

How it works
The two-hour free sessions, in church and community halls, include an important half-hour tea break where people can chat to each other.

The singing is directed by trained musicians who have extensive experience in working with older people and those with dementia.

Who can take part
The sessions are open to all older people who wish to maintain memory, improve mood, breathing, movement, speech and confidence, or who are lonely and want someone to share a cup of tea with once a week.

Sadly, for many participants SingAbout is their only form of social activity so securing a further three years of provision is a most welcome result.

participants taking part in SingAbout

Over the past eight years the project has been supported by multiple funders and is most recently part of the Age Friendly Island programme.

Age UK: A life-enhancing activity
Megan Jones, Head of Ageing Better, Age UK said,

“We are delighted that the SingAbout project has secured longer-term funding. SingAbout is a life-enhancing activity and the Ageing Better programme, funded by the national lottery community fund, will continue to work together with Independent Arts providing these much-needed experiences to our most vulnerable members of society.”

Find out more
If you are interested in joining SingAbout or you are a carer for someone you feel may benefit from participating please see our list of venues and times.

For more information visit the Website or email [email protected] or call 01983 822437