This drone footage and the images taken above the canopy of Firestone Copse are outstandingly beautiful. Thanks to Andrew for sharing with OnTheWight readers.
The main road through Wootton will be resurfaced overnight next week to coincide with the completion of restoration works at Wootton Bridge. Watch out for diversions.
It's taken Island Roads 12 days to respond to three simple questions about the design of the new parapets on Wootton Bridge that have been causing much anger amongst residents.
The care home was found to be providing a safe, effective, caring environment for its residents and regarded as 'Good' in all areas of provision. Well done to all involved.
All proceeds from the fundraising ball at Lakeside Hotel will go to Isle of Wight charity, MAD-Aid, who support disabled children and adults in the Republic of Moldova, one of the poorest countries in Europe.