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Book now for Bond-themed MAD-Aid charity ball

Thanks to Ann for details of this upcoming MAD-Aid event. Ed

Isle of Wight-based charity MAD-Aid is holding its fourth annual Charity Fundraising Ball.

The Bond-themed ball will be held at the Lakeside Hotel, Wootton Bridge, Isle of Wight, on Saturday 6th February 2016, from 6.45 pm for 7.15.

What is MAD-Aid?
MAD-Aid supports disabled children and adults in the Republic of Moldova, one of the poorest countries in Europe.

In September 2015, with support from Communication Workers’ Union Humanitarian Aid (CWUHA) the charity is proud to have opened the Phoenix Centre, a day centre for disabled children in the North of Moldova. Based in a disused former school, the centre provides support, learning opportunities and social contact for around 20 children each day.

Making a difference
MAD-Aid’s founder, Moldovan-born Victoria Dunford from East Cowes, said,

“Before we opened Phoenix, the children who come to us every day were stuck at home with no education and no interaction with others outside their families.

“It brings tears to my eyes to see their development over the short time that our professional staff have been working with them. And they love the time they spend with us.”

Get your tickets now
Proceeds from the Bond-themed ball will help to keep the centre open, and to provide wheelchairs and medical supplies to Moldova.

Tickets £50 to include a three-course meal, coffee and wine.

Call (01983) 617872 to secure your tickets.

More information about MAD-Aid can be found on their Website.

Image: kentwang under CC BY 2.0