Isle of Wight: Big Enough For Europe’s Half Billion Citizens

Hats off to Brigadier Alan Ross of Seagrove Bay, Seaview. He’s written a great letter in to the Telegraph about the Isle of Wight, the space within it and what use it could be put to.

Isle of Wight: Big Enough For Europe's Half Million CitizensLast week the paper ran a story that scientists were speculating that Dinosaurs were killed off by Isle of Wight-sized asteroid (Tweeted).

The Brigadier approaches the Island-as-measurement from a different angle.

He’s calculated that “its area of 147 square miles allows room for every one of the half a billion citizens of the European Union to be allocated about eight square feet to stand or sit upon.”

Not content to stop there he hypothesis that “if we bought 12 million 60-seat double-deck buses, each 40 feet by eight feet, we could seat not only the population of the whole of the EU but that of the United States as well.”

He signs off with “that’s without overflowing into my garden.”

Love people putting effort into working out stuff like that.


Image: Openstreetmap