Planet Lager among the daisies

Isle of Wight brewery launches ‘Planet’ gluten-free and vegan-friendly lager

We picked up our bottles of Planet from Lesley’s Nutshell in Pier Street, Ventnor. Hannah has more detail. Ed

A new recipe to the repertoire we hear you say? And as it’s Goddards Brewery it must be an ale, right?

Wrong! Goddards Brewery are pleased to announce that they are now bringing you ‘Planet’, a new lager which has been added to their range. And you can also add to that the words gluten-free and vegan friendly!

Top secret recipe
That doesn’t mean there has been any compromise on taste though as their brewer Josh has created a recipe (which is top secret) that ensures you get to taste a clean and crisp lager with a smooth bitterness.

For the beer connoisseurs out there, the team at Goddards say Planet sits between a pilsner and a Vienna lager.

Josh holding a bottle of Planet Lager

Josh Davies, Brewer commented,

“It was great to be let loose to spend the last seven months experimenting with this new rogue brew from Goddards. Trying new ingredients, brewing methods old and new, to create this refreshing flavoursome lager.”

Baker: Inundated with gluten-free and vegan-friendly requests
Xavier Baker, Managing Director at Goddards Brewery added:

“Moving in to our 26th year of operation we have decided to diversify our range by bringing to you our new lager, Planet.

“As much as our new lager is unique in our range, we still wanted to maintain a link to our Island born and brewed status, hence the name Planet was born. Where possible we will use planet barley grown on the Isle of Wight.

“You may be wondering why gluten-free and why vegan-friendly. We have been inundated with requests to bring you something that fits this criteria, and Planet lager has been the perfect way to do this and fill the gap that there has been within our range.”

Keep an eye out for Planet Lager in an establishment or shop near you!