Debbie Andre, Phil Jordan, Simon Bryant and Wendy Perera
Debbie Andre, Phil Jordan, Simon Bryant and Wendy Perera

Isle of Wight council commits to a smokefree future with new declaration

A declaration to move towards creating a smokefree society has been signed by the Isle of Wight Council.

In signing the Local Government Declaration on Tobacco Control, the Council showed its commitment to protecting residents from the harm caused by smoking.

Two in three smokers will die as a result of smoking
Smoking remains the single leading cause of preventable ill-health and early death on the Isle of Wight. Up to two in three smokers will die as a result of smoking.

The Declaration was signed by Councillor Phil Jordan, council leader, Wendy Perera, chief executive, Councillor Debbie Andre, cabinet member for adult social care and public health and Simon Bryant, director of public health.

The agreement to sign the Declaration was approved by Cabinet on 14th March 2024.

How it will be achieved
The Council, as the public health authority, leads local action to tackle smoking and youth vaping. This is achieved by;

  • commissioning the community stop smoking service, Smokefree Island;
  • working together to reduce vaping providing information and support
  • lead alongside key partners on the Island to stop people starting smoking and support smokers to quit.

Mr Bryant said,

“Signing the Declaration will strengthen the council’s leadership role while working with local partners. Together we can achieve a smokefree 2030 and culture-change where smoking becomes history.

“This Declaration is a clear signal that we will continue to prioritise smoking as a major public health issue. However, making smoking history can only be achieved by working in partnership with organisations and communities across the Island.

“Although, the numbers of people smoking on the Island are in decline, there are still 11,000 smokers living here. There is more work to be done, especially for groups in highest need.”

Andre: There is a wide range of support available
Councillor Andre added,

“Signing the Local Government Declaration on Tobacco Control is a huge step.

“The council is showing commitment to reducing smoking in our communities, alongside delivering the national target of being Smokefree by 2030.

“For Islanders wanting to quit smoking, there is a wide range of support available. Getting expert support from your local stop smoking service means you’re three times as likely to quit for good.”

Find out more
For free expert advice on quitting smoking, contact Smokefree Island at (01983) 642369 or 0800 999 1396. Alternatively, text “Quit” to 66777″ or visit the website.

News shared by Isle of Wight council press office, in their own words. Ed