£35,000 proposal for Floating Bridge generators welcomed, but replacement progress lacks speed argues councillor
4, May 2011·1 min readHuge Sale of Council Buildings Including Toilets, Schools And Car ParksOverview and Scrutiny Committee Agenda papers reveal list of all council properties up for sale
7, October 2010·1 min readBudget Cuts: Could IW Share Services With Portsmouth?Plans to help save costs could see Portsmouth and IW sharing services
7, December 2018·1 min readMainland fire crew called to Isle of Wight on standbyThe chair of the FBU said “It’s very concerning when there are not many appliances on the run and it seems to be getting worse".
14, November 2018·1 min readCouncil now back-tracking on their previous back-pedalling on overnight parking charges!Last week Cllr Ian Ward confirmed to the IWC Cabinet that plans to charge for overnight on-street parking was 'a typo'. Today, nearly a full week later, the council are going back on that, saying the now DO plan to charge!
1, March 2011·3 min readCllr Reg Barry’s Budget Amendment Speech (2011-12) to Full CouncilCllr Reg Barry's budget speech
10, March 2011·1 min readLetter To The Editor: Formal Complaint to the Secretary of StateOne reader writes to Secretary of State and appeals for five more signatures
22, February 2011·1 min readLive Coverage Of The Cuts Full Council MeetingLive, reliable coverage of 'The Cuts' full council meeting tomorrow
29, November 2010·1 min readBudget Cuts: School Reorganisation To Be Removed From Council’s Priority ListMore proposed cuts ...
26, January 2016·1 min readLabour budget proposal to protect services for vulnerable peopleThe Isle of Wight Labour councillors say their budget proposal will ensure that many vital services for vulnerable people are protected.
5, October 2011·2 min readCabinet To Consider Results of Care ConsultationCabinet will hear the results of the consultation on adult social care at their meeting next week
25, January 2011·1 min read‘Don’t Phone A Friend, Phone A Councillor’ Says Stop The Cuts AllianceMake sure your councillors hears your views.
29, February 2024·3 min readOpposition’s amendment forces Isle of Wight council to adopt new budget plans (updated)Isle of Wight council must implement opposition-led schemes after amendment passes