Letter To The Editor: Formal Complaint to the Secretary of State

One reader shares his views on the changes to the library service on the Isle of Wight and asks for your help. Ed

Dear Editor,

Following the Councils decision to still cut five libraries despite it only saving £236,000, I decided to take a look at the Public Libraries & Museums Act 1964.

It appears that our delightful leaders have actually broken the terms of the Act. In Section 7 of the Act it states that the Statutory Authority (in our case the IWC) has a duty to provide a comprehensive and efficient Library Service at NO COST TO THE USER.

Users will be paying through precept increases
In view of the IWC trying to get Parish Councils to “volunteer” to run libraries for the council, parish precepts will rise to cover the costs.

Therefore, as the books, computer and premises will still be owned by the IWC, we, the tax payers will pick up an extra bill for a service that the council has a duty to provide free of charge.

Complaint to Secretary of State
I have put together a formal complaint to the Secretary of State, much of it based on a similar complaint launched in one of the London Boroughs a few days ago, that was put together, as I understand, by legal minds.

I have addressed my complaint as being from Friends of The IW Library Service and as such I would like at least one voter from each of the five areas due to lose their IWC funded library to sign the document so that it represents the whole Island.

Of course, if anyone can suggest ways of improving the complaint, I will be happy to modify the document.

If you would like to see the document or would like to sign the final version, please contact me at [email protected]

Thanks DaveQ

Image: Bensonkua under CC BY 2.0