·3 min read
Colleen is asking Islanders to stand together on Saturday to protest against the proposed £5.5m of cuts to be made by the Isle of Wight council. She explains why she believes it's important for Islanders to come together over these plans.
·1 min read
Shanklin residents urged to have their say on precept changes
·1 min read
Isle of Wight council faces a delay in budget talks due to funding uncertainty and lack of information from the Government
·2 min read
Today sees the deadline for bids to take over the Winter Gardens
·2 min read
Leader of the Island Independent group of councillors said opportunities to pursue measures that could significantly improve Council finances were ignored at last night's budget meeting by the Conservative councillors.
·2 min read
An underspend of nearly £800,000 in last year's budgets due to efficiency savings made across the council
·3 min read
It's becoming apparent that the council are being placed in an impossible position by the government. The spectre of all Discretionary services being cut is being discussed.
·1 min read
Public welcome to meeting to discuss response to proposed budget cuts
·1 min read
New visitor information points aim to fill part of the gap left by the closure of Tourist Information Centres
·4 min read
George Brown's speech about the future of Island library services
·2 min read
Precept setters concerned over timings