Southern Vectis Open Visitor Information Points

Following the news that the Isle of Wight council will be closing all Tourist Information Centres from the end of March, the Island’s bus company Southern Vectis will be partially filling the gap by offering an alternative service.

Southern Vectis LogoNext Monday (4th April) will see the first three of the Island’s new Visitor Information Points open in Ryde, Newport and Yarmouth.

Bus users may have noticed work taking place in all three bus stations to prepare the offices for their new roles.

Internet access in all three offices
All of the new offices boast Internet access to help visitors looking for information and accommodation.

Tanya Simms, Commercial Manager for Southern Vectis said, “It’s been a bit of a race against time to get the offices refreshed and open in time for April when they take over the role of providing Visitor Information. We still have work to do to complete the three offices so that we can provide the range of information we want, but we are able to open all of them from this date while continue to build them up.”

Work for other areas underway
The ‘mobile’ Visitor Information Points planned for Shanklin bus station and Sandown High Street are both undergoing work and will be in place soon.

The location for the Cowes unit has not yet been confirmed, but Southern Vectis say a member of staff will be deployed in the Pontoon from the outset too.