John wrote to all IW councillors to ask them if they'd like to experience the life of a care worker before making decisions that might affect their lives
Free coaches are being provided to help Island residents take part in mass demo against the budget cuts proposed by the Isle of Wight council this Saturday
Freehold or leasehold transfers for 13 of the 15 toilets and five libraries agreed to be taken over by community groups have still to be finalised says Cllr Brown.
Cllr Geoff Lumley says getting County Hall to tell Newport Parish Council how much the services they want to take on would cost "has been like drawing teeth". They have a pot of extra money, but it's still unspent.
IW Liberal Democrats argue that distributing the £250,000 grant money the council spoke about yesterday by council tax banding values will result in poorer areas missing out.
Applications are being invited from the business, community and voluntary sectors for funding to deliver the Island’s new-look youth services from 1 October this year.