candidates on the stage to hear the announcement
Joe Robertson, Sarah Morris, Vix Lowthion, Graham Biss, Michael Lilley, David Groocock, Emily Brothers © With kind permission of Allan Marsh

Isle of Wight East goes to Conservative’s Joe Robertson (updated)

Joe Robertson, the Conservative candidate for Isle of Wight East, has been elected as MP.

There was a very close four-horse race in the East between Conservative, Reform, Labour and Green.

Joe said that all candidates fought a clean campaign in the East. He thanked everyone involved but in particular his campaign manager Suzie Ellis, Ed Blake – his agent, and his wife.

OnTheWight caught up briefly with Joe after the announcement.

Isle of Wight East Results

The turnout for Isle of Wight East was 61.14% with 34,149 ballot papers returned. 14 ballot papers contained more than one mark, 2 had a mark that could not be identified and 55 were unmarked or void.