Isle of Wight For Sale?

It’s common knowledge that Britain is struggling under the burden of £800bn of national debt, so it’s no surprise that “economists” around the country are putting forward their solutions to help ease the debt.

Isle of Wight For Sale?The Guardian today reports that “rightwing Crawley-based Thomas Malthus Institute” has suggested that Britain follow in the footsteps of Greece, who plan to sell off surplus Islands, and put the Isle of Wight on the market.

In their report, “A Land Fit for Hedge Fund Managers to Live In”, the Institute suggests that the Isle of Wight could fetch around £10bn.

They also suggest selling the BBC to Rupert Murdoch for £20bn and leasing out the Royal Family, suggesting a comedy tour in Asia by Prince Philip could raise £250m.

Read the article in full and don’t forget the pick up that pinch of salt.

Image: Jo Jakeman under CC BY 2.0