Vix Lowthion and Cameron Palin

Isle of Wight Green Party Chairs challenge Conservative-led council in Open Letter (updated)

Co-chairs of the Isle of Wight Green Party, Vix Lowthion and Cameron Palin, share this open letter to Councillor Chris Jarman and the Empowering Islanders group (Cllrs Medland, Adams and Spink). In their own words. Ed

Two years ago, Islanders voted to get rid of the Conservative-led council, which for four years had cut services, eroded democracy, wasted public money and left a legacy of neglect.

In 2021, over 60 per cent of Islanders who voted, voted for change and supported non-Conservative parties or individuals – thus showing that residents of the Isle of Wight do not want a Conservative-led council.

Alliance not perfect, but decisions made locally
Since then, Independents and Greens – with some support from the Labour Party and Liberal Democrats – have made up the majority of councillors and worked as an Alliance.

It’s not perfect, and the Isle of Wight is still struggling with huge budget cuts made by the Conservative government, but, at least decisions are made locally and councillors are accountable to residents.

“Disruptive, distracting and dishonourable”
In our view, your decision to put in a vote of non-confidence in Councillor Lora Peacey-Wilcox’s leadership is disruptive, distracting and dishonourable.

It will not resolve the problems for our schools, local towns and care homes to create instability through imposing a Conservative leader and administration upon us. They will take orders from their party leaders on the Mainland and not our Island community.

Any councillor’s vote to support a shift to a Conservative Party leader and administration will neither be Independent nor will it ‘Empower Islanders’.

“Stop playing games”
We urge you to remember who your voters are, and why they elected you back in 2021. Islanders did not vote for you so that they would get a Conservative led council.

We urge you to stop playing games, withdraw your support for this vote of nonconfidence in Councillor Peacey-Wilcox, and get back to focusing on the essential needs of Islanders during this cost-of-living crisis.

Article edit
8.35am 13th Jul 2023 – ’60 per cent who voted’ changed to ’60 per cent who voted, voted for change’