Isle of Wight Hot Property Press Launches

Things appear to be shifting on the Isle of Wight media scene at the moment.

Isle of Wight Hot Property Press LaunchesAlongside changes at The Gazette, a new printed paper has launched this week.

It’s called ‘Isle of Wight Hot Property Press’ and is planning to come out every Thursday priced at 30p.

The launch design is uncluttered and should attract attention.

The first half of it has got property adverts – some are full page, others half page.

Many Island estate agents
It’s got loads of Island estate agents in there – Watson Bull & Porter; Webb & Jenkins; Isle of Wight Homes; Seafields; Bob Lancaster; Wooton Estate Agents; Marvins; Megan Baker; Home estate agency; Pittis.

Attacking Country Press income
This is a serious attack on the Country Press, tackling some of their core income – Property, Job and Car adverts.

We’ve heard from someone who was connected to a previous Island newspaper that was successful for a while – until the CP gave their property advertisers free advertising for six months, as long as they didn’t advertise elsewhere – or so the fable goes. Sadly that killed the other paper.

Property ads are free
It appears that the model that the new paper has – giving property advertising away from free(!) – gets around that problem quite nicely, while causing serious problems for the CP. Who in their right mind would be paying for advertising when they could get it for free?

This battle should be an interesting one to watch.