Labour members taking part in eu election campaigning

Isle of Wight Labour Party kicks off EU Campaign in Newport

Julian shares this latest news on behalf of Island Labour. Ed

Island Labour today began its campaign for the EU elections on 23rd May, with a leafleting and canvassing event in Newport.

Labour Party members spoke to hundreds of Islanders to urge them to cast their vote for Labour in the forthcoming election.

Representing Leave and Remain voters
Island Labour Chair, Julian Critchley, said:

“It was great to see so many of our members turn out on a brisk day. The EU elections don’t normally inspire the most engagement with voters, and these don’t look like testing any turnout records.

“However, an unpleasant strain of right-wing nationalism is on the rise with both UKIP and Farage’s latest vanity project, as we saw at the EU hustings last week. We can’t just sit back and let that sort of poison go unchallenged.

“At a time when every other party is picking a “side” and digging trenches, only Labour is trying to represent both Leave and remain voters, and to bring our country back together.”

Labour’s branches all over the Island will be campaigning in their areas next weekend, to maintain the momentum.