Isle of Wight Monopoly: Which Places Would You Suggest?

We all know that some of the wealthy on the Island treat the Isle of Wight like a real-life monopoly game – buying up streets, putting up hotels, collecting money from people when they spend time in their places – that kind of thing.

Isle of Wight Monopoly: Which Places Would You Suggest?Well, ‘the rest of us’ will have a chance to live that lifestyle soon, as there will be an official Monopoly board game for the Isle of Wight released towards the end of this year.

Ryde teacher suggested it
Eileen Eaton, teacher at Oakfield CoE Primary in Ryde approached the company nine months back to see if they would back the idea – happily they said yes. Others have had ideas similar in the past, but none with the official approval of Monopoly.

Vote for your favourite place
The twist with this is Islanders will be able to vote for the places that they think should fill the board’s 30+ Isle of Wight landmarks.