bob seely in parliament

Isle of Wight MP led debate in House of Commons on planning reform

Today (Thursday) Isle of Wight MP, Bob Seely, will be hosting a parliamentary debate on planning reform and house building targets.

Bob says,

“Across rural shires and southern England, the Government is set to impose unachievable and damaging house-building targets which will undermine the levelling up agenda.

“I will be talking about how the Government’s current plans for new housing will impact on the Isle of Wight and how the whole approach needs a rethink.”

Bob Seely launched a petition against the Government’s targets of building nearly 10,000 new homes on the Isle of Wight over the next 15 years, which more than 5,000 Islanders signed.

The Island Plan
The Government expects local authorities (Isle of Wight council) to have up-to-date plans in place to guide development within their area to plan for the infrastructure, homes and jobs that residents need.

The Island Planning Strategy sets out how the council’s planning decisions could contribute to achieving the council’s vision for the Isle of Wight.

Watch the debate
Residents can watch the debate, which should take place around midday in the House of Commons, on Parliament TV.

Image: © Parliament TV