Sue paraskeva

Isle of Wight Potter featured in Wall Street Journal

Congratulations to Isle of Wight-based potter Sue Paraskeva, who today (Saturday) made it into the European edition of the Wall Street Journal.

We’ve long been fans of Sue’s work, first chancing upon her when she was based at Jubilee Stores in Newport Quay, and later visiting her quirky studio in Ryde.

Sue’s featured by Katrina Burroughs in an article about how “beautifully crafted everyday objects can create rituals out of routines”.

Isle of Wight-based potter Sue Paraskeva makes porcelain tableware with a delicious speckle and the slight irregularity of artisanal ceramics.

“My customers say the fact they can imagine my fingers making the spout on the jug and occasionally see my fingerprints there makes them smile,” she says. “Fine craft brings joy to the everyday, eating, washing up, stacking dishwashers.”

Highly sought-after
The list of commissions for Sue’s work includes Calvin Klein Home, Madison Avenue, New York Design Museum Shop, Shad Thames, London Turner Contemporary Shop, Liz Earle, Southern Art’s Craft Collection, Mima’s Permanent Ceramics Collection.

As well as a 94 Piece tableware service for Kevin Costner and porcelain vessels for the Lord Smith of Finsbury.

This wonderful video below shot by Jamie Isbell gives you a wonderful insight into how Sue works.

Sue Paraskeva // Artist profile from Jamie Isbell on Vimeo.

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