Over the last few weeks the Wight Aviation Museum Education Team have been working very closely with Year 5 pupils from Oakfield School, in Ryde, to find out how and why hovercraft work, the history of hovercraft on the Isle of Wight and the continued use of them by Hovertravel today.
The first two weeks of the four lessons run by the WAM Education Team were in the school classroom and hall where the Year 5 pupils in Mrs Robinson’s class discovered how hovercraft worked, using balloons and CDs.
The following week the class were very engaged in learning how large radio controlled model hovercraft operated over a range of surfaces in the school hall. Great fun for all.
Lesson on a hovercraft
In the third week the lesson took place on a real hovercraft, very kindly hosted by Hovertravel at Ryde. On a visit to Hovertravel the pupils were given a wonderful guided tour of Hovertravel’s “Island Flyer” by Mike, who explained not only how they worked but allowed the pupils to tour the hovercraft and even sit in the pilot’s seat.
Who knew you had to be very agile as a hover pilot and climb a vertical ladder to reach the “cockpit”.
Lale: We’re always very pleased to work with the Island’s schools
Loretta Lale, Head of Commercial at Hovertravel said,
“We at Hovertravel are always very pleased to work with the Island’s schools and to develop good education links regarding the heritage of hovercraft on the Island and the continuing service they provide today.”
Exploring the museum
The fourth and final lesson was at the Wight Aviation Museum, where the Year 5 class, with teacher Mrs Robinson and LSA Mrs Branska, enjoyed looking at the many displays, particularly the Island Hovercraft display, and finding out about all the countries around the world where hovercraft are still in use today.

Outside they explored the museums CC7 Cushioncraft with Mark Porter the CC7 Team Leader. He also demonstrated a much larger radio controlled model of a Channel Hovercraft.
We are grateful to Councillor Michael Lilley for the funding for the coach for this trip.
Porter: It gave the pupils a real world example
Ann Porter, the WAM Education Team member who organised the lessons and trips for Oakfield, said
“We were extremely pleased Hovertravel were able to host the class for a visit.
“It gave the pupils a real world example of why hovercraft are used in certain areas, and fitted perfectly into our National Curriculum scheme of work about forces.”
For more information, email “WAM Education Team” to [email protected] or
phone or text to 07949 704052 or visit our website.
News shared by Brian on behalf of Wight Aviation Museum. Ed