first red box - St Thomas Canterbury Primary

Isle of Wight Red Box Project does more than support high school pupils: Here’s how

Katharine Spencer-Brown from Isle of Wight Red Box Project shares this latest news. Ed

It is fantastic news that on Wednesday, Phillip Hammond the Chancellor is expected to pledge funds to provide free menstrual products in all secondary schools in England, starting in September 2019.

This is a massive success and one that the Red Box Project has been campaigning for alongside Free Periods headed up by Amika George.

Four key points
So, what will that mean for the Red Box Project – Isle of Wight?

  • The funds: Firstly, it will take some time for funds to reach the eligible senior schools on the Island and whether that’s by September, we’ll have to wait and see.
  • Senior school only: Secondly, this funding is only for senior schools. Not Primaries, not colleges and not any other educational establishment. (The Red Box Project is campaigning hard to persuade the Chancellor to Include Primary School, but that’s not agreed at present).
  • Not just menstrual products: Thirdly, as you all know the Red Boxes include all sorts of bits and bobs and not only menstrual products – pants, wipes, panty liners, paper bags etc.
  • Outside school term: Forthly, The Red Box Project – Isle of Wight has always had the intention of providing Red Boxes at other establishments where young people can access menstrual products because periods don’t only happen in term time! And we will continue to do this. At present we are working with the Scouts and also with the Island’s Youth Offending Team and I’m keen expand to other venues and services.

Your support still needed
So, please do celebrate the terrific news that will be pledged on Wednesday, but please, please, please keep supporting your Island’s Red Box Project as we still need to keep pushing forward and keep ensuring that any young Islander that needs menstrual products is able to access them.

Read more about Government to provide free sanitary products at secondary schools in England

If you want to find out more or get involved, head over to the Red Box Project Isle of Wight Facebook Group.

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