Thomas Luke

Isle of Wight teenager wins BBC Young Musician keyboard category

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Congratulations are in order for Isle of Wight teenager, Thomas Luke from Ryde, who tonight at the BBC Young Musician keyboard category finals fought off stiff competition from four other competitors.

Thomas wowed the judges with his impressive skills to win the category finals and secure his place in the semi finals.

The look on Thomas’s face as he is announced as winner at the end of the programme is priceless. It brought a tear to our eyes.

The atmosphere was electrifying
Last week ahead of the screening, Thomas told OnTheWight,

“The experience of playing in the category final was amazing. I met some fantastic people that I have stayed in touch with and the atmosphere during the two days of filming was electric!”

Watch again
You can watch Thomas playing by jumping forward to 52 minutes into the programme on the BBC iPlayer.