It’s official: Independents in overall control of Isle of Wight Council

As OnTheWight covered at last week’s local elections, it has been confirmed today that the group of Island Independent councillors is now made up of 20 members.

Ruling majority
With more members than any of the other political parties on the Isle of Wight council, this places the Island Independents as the ruling majority.

The Island Conservatives made big losses last week, reducing from 24 to 15 seats. Labour and UKIP now have two seats each, the Liberal Democrats have one seat.

At next week’s Annual Council Meeting, members will be asked to vote on the new chairman, vice-chairman and new Leader of the council.

Group leaders
Cllr Ian Stephens was voted as group leader for the Independents at a meeting on Sunday.

Meanwhile, as reported earlier today, Cllr Dave Stewart, has been elected as Group leader for the Island Conservatives.

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