IW Radio News: Oh The Humanity!

IW Radio News: Oh The Humanity!Did you hear the 8am news on IW Radio? Top story was that the The Waverly paddle steamer had collided with the pier at Yarmouth at around 8pm yesterday.

OK, it’s not ideal that it happened in the first place, especially as the pier has recently been rebuilt, but goodness gracious, dear old Michael Coombes was reporting it as if was the Hindenburg disaster.

Live from the pier — yes, LIVE! — Michael told listeners that he could see a pole that was bent !!; now at 45 degrees !!!; when it normally stands straight !!!!; AND … the lamp has been KNOCKED OFF!!!!!!

Oh, the humanity!

Heaven forbid that there should be a serious news event on the Island, how would IW Radio report it if they’ve used all of their superlatives up for a lamp post getting bent?

This is of course a friendly jibe by us. We love Michaels’s enthusiasm for presenting the news and all know that stories on a Monday morning can be a little hard to find. Go Michael!