Revenue Services: Pilot Scheme Launching in Ventnor

Anyone who has previously had to travel to Sandown or Newport to get help or advice with Council services, will be pleased to hear that from next month Revenue Services will be holding surgeries in Ventnor.

Revenue Services: Pilot Scheme Launching in VentnorAvoiding the need to travel (saving money and helping the environment), all you will have to do is walk as far as the Coastal Visitors Centre in Dudley Road.

The surgeries will take place every Thursday, starting on 2nd October, from 9.00 a.m. until Midday, and this is seen as a first step to improve accessibility for Ventnor residents.

If you have any concerns or problems with Council Tax and benefits, you’ll be able to get help completing applications and advice.

As well as taking advantage of the help on offer, you can also stop and admire the world class views down the coast.

Many thanks to Susan Scoccia for forwarding this info to share with our readers.